Monday, November 26, 2012

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Know, I always the knowledge in this aspect of seeing is just.Hope everyone corrects!)

Book two revenge chapter 29 rival in love to recruit
Renew time:2008-9-1616:28:32 chapter word numbers:3890

Chapter 29 rival in love recruits
!Is there still so complicated inside story?According to what shadow says, I think Lin Bin one noble family after, inheritted a big pen property, then handsome and natural and unrestrained, successful just.Didn't expect its inside story unexpectedly is …… , no wonder that clock respect the Qi fear him thus, the somebody else plays the black, and the household influence of uncle Lin Bin also very big, absolutely allow of no small Qu, so the clock house didn't dare as well to literally give offense to Lin Jia.
Is alas, in fact now generally so-called noble family also ten several 20 years of traditions just, really also difficult find out severals to calculate ascend real noble family of.The time limit that the ZG develops not much be not?Hair house in the clock house depended falsely be of power money trade, but Liu Jia arrived a hinterland development to then walk at the back of the HK hair house political marriage route, sacrificed a shadow to almost go out.
But I that new rival in love Zhao Jia?Is clearly deluxe gold to get, but is still a part-time job of be not?But his an elder sister still a younger sister listen to the shadow say wonderful, built up to ownly have the company of equal scale.The somebody else works hard in the United States of, and still seem from don't have.Depend, that woman is remarkable!
I invigorate for a while and thought of:Although I am an ordinary family to be from, I am also one elite personage be not?The open Chin Hua brilliant student there is MBA diploma, and career also completely proved that I am an absolute talented person, in this kind of a full sky of place for flyings of Doctor Master of square company in the sky, I ain't the square who is also praised as a sky first brilliant scholar?Copy the favor to me surely mainly because have 1 kind to specially hearts beat in harmony with me, but at the same time also because to appreciating of my individual with to the approbation of my ability.
I can definitely by dint of own ability raise sufficient funds and do perfume company success, develop own influence to enough promise himself/herself and lover can the situation of comfort and ease life!
Small cloud sees me thinking of Zheng Zheng a problem and suddenly clap my shoulder way:"Feed, you just and does the fatty who wears glasses say to open company?"
The fatty wearing glasses?, I drop absolute being, she is saying Lin then any!The old Lin hears the image that the beauty devastate him thus will definitely jump off a building!The somebody else is to intentionally wear vice- anastigmatic gold silk for the sake of the increment cultivated refinement glasses?As for is fat, this guy hasn't been liking exercising, the weight really has a little over-standard, but don't calculate very obviously?I ha ha say with smile:"You aren't slandering my friends' image!"
Small cloud squints Jing to craftily say with smile:"Luo Luo, I on slandering your friends, aren't you happy?In times before I to Lin Bin intentionally the favor order, you ignore a somebody else!"
I pour!Originally she slanders old Lin be because this reason-this is in fact and completely slandering me, is saying me little belly chicken bowel?But wench, you and I are just friend relation mile, even if is a good friend can not also arrive this kind of again the men and women only just have of relation?See, this wench still just that"the repair loved" mistake area in didn't come out!The injury that resulted in since childhood indeed as expected influenced huge!I hence the branch opens a way:"Want to open company, be not still have no funds be not?"
Small cloud way:"Want how many funds?Is a lot of?Does the wanting to be not me borrow for you?"
Do you borrow for me?Your thinking is several ten thousand?Unless you heel that you even the form of addresses would not like to beat but the generation is borrowed with the person who has a blood relationship relation!However, kill you also Be not willing to!I wry smile way:"Is several must!Calculate, I saw to seek to form partnership calculate.However, my own funds are too little, go into partnership of words ……alas!"
Small cloud is wrinkly to knit the brows a way:", Several must so many?That can have some difficulties.However my uncle has been operating a private lending fund in Hong Kong and still asked me to have dependable investment item last time, I didn't know you of could cooperate.However, they provide funds,Beats By Dre Diamond, will never participate in a management, also having plenty of you can sign contract first, when can provide funds repay, when the funds thoroughly return.Seem to is these, I ain't greatly either to understand, also listen to the uncle once lifting just."
Is there still this kind of good matter?My exultation has already almost rushed toward to embrace small cloud to scream hysterically in the past!This wench is also too lovely?She is absolutely my savior!See her is her medical treatment my wound for the first time, she saved my small life for for the second time, this time she wanted Shi Fu again to me not become?Ha ha!
Small cloud looking at me eager to have a try, the eye emit the shape of adoring the green light to frighten call a way:"Feed, your stem what?Can't rush toward to come over to bite me?"
I say with smile:"Small cloud I appreciated you too much, my feeling to your love absolutely was like water in Yangtze River, continuous don't exert!Want to be not, for the sake of slightly form I to your appreciate of feeling, do we embrace each other 1?"Say I raise my that huge gypsum hand hard.
Small cloud Chuo Chuo my forehead way:"Pei!Who embrace each other with you?This words I stuck down, wait will the small shadow came me to tell her and said her boyfriend to I is how how of adore, also want embrace!"
Smelly wench, is not want to express to appreciate for a while of feeling?Still need to sue in court!I have to Xian to write to say with smile:"Small cloud, don't ?, To, the interest of that fund of your uncle is how much?"
Small cloud is wrinkly to knit the brows a way:"Interest?Seeming a crest is an annual interest is 100%, descending the limit is 20%, main heel you the ratio of property earnings float?"
I ponder a way:Mao, the interest is enough black!Not the Kui is the person that that economic society in Hong Kong comes out!Even if borrow 30,000,000, sells at cost at least must also pay him for a year 6,000,000 interests, but once earning big money, repay be 30,000,000!I again way:"That he wants don't what mortgage or security deposit?"
Small cloud way:"That I don't know!I give you the contact to ask for a while."Say she takes out the cellular phone of that cleverly made amiability to stir a number.Lead good short while, telephone just, small cloud way:"Feed ……uncle, I am small cloud ……in the United States?, Sorry, don't I know.Bothered you to go to bed, that I tomorrow again …… , okay.I am to ask the affair that the fund borrows for one of my friend ……borrow number?Probably ……"make reference to here, she comes to a stop to see me, I stick out three fingers, she again way:"At least 30,000,000 …… , to, uncle, don't hand over security deposit or property mortgage what of …… , have to have the company the guarantee?This is very difficult …… , know.You after coming back me visit you in Hong Kong together with friend ……okay, thank uncle, say sorry with aunt ……H'm, again see ……"
Does the company guarantee?I knit the brows.Small cloud claps my shoulders way:"Hey, kid, afraid of, you not go and then is fixed by the aunt,beats by dre australia!Isn't a company guarantee,Beats By Dre Justbeats?Seek a small shadow house, not the aunt thinks a way for you!How?Luo Luo!"
I bellow a way:"Small cloud!You whose aunt?Is still anti- you be not?"
I hate, compare to have no for a day for this wench a day a positive form.Suddenly there is a kind of clear Wu in my heart, unclearly invite about of know small cloud why knows perfectly wells to have no future with me, but always the Chi worried me:Probably and I together of time, she feels she again returns to that innocent years at the age of 16, but henceforth of the years stay to her is infinite evil-foreboding dream and heavy career.So she likes that Chi's worrying me isn't representing she loves me, but because she wants to return to that carefree, organic infinite years.In fact listen to shadow say, small cloud is a very discreet in speech and manner occupation female at ordinary times, never give in the unit any male who pursue her the least bit smiling face, have some meaning of iceberg pretty girl.But she am together more and more very naughty, more and more acted in pettish to make Chi with me-seemed to be like to return to ten how old general.
Finally the shadow came, two wenches hug to together smile heel what.Shadow way:"Wei son, you definitely could not guessed today someone to be to me what lovely affair!Xi Xi!"
Is lovely?In my heart one Leng, way:"Who?So absent-minded words I Related articles:

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