Sunday, November 18, 2012

beats dr dre ers almost and toght

The son is a lord, also not and quickly quick three viva!"
Big ministers hoped one eye with each other and toghter and loudly called a way:"My emperor is long live, long live, ten thousand long live!"
"Good, good, they finally called me as emperor!"Li You Ren roars with laughter and simultaneously smiles.Simultaneously throw up blood, he is really to don't go, head one slanting dead at the bosom of bodyguard's captain in!
Big emperor's son also died, the west summer ground big ministers almost and toghter fainted, and two emperors inherit person to die within a day.Does the west summer country don't is ownerless!How to do, for dead person.Big ministers really lift not to rise fascination, they aimed at vision toghter three emperor son.
These three emperor son usually heel at the elder brothers bottom behind since create a big noise to still go, can he is emperor, really isn't this piece of to anticipate, he isn't only timid, but also the discard is a typical model of coward!
Can now nobody to inherit an emperor, although emperor's son is many,have to talk about size, unless three emperors the son also sign Ma Yan 's spirit, otherwise also can be him to be emperor!
The prime minister climbs to start and arrive at three emperor sons of before the body, way:"The his highness left you now, please return to temple to mount the throne!"
Three emperor the son frighten keep shaking head, if this kind of good matter put at common, he is too late still happy, can now summer of west the Wu country is forthcoming, Mo Qi Zhe's battalion is about to be beaten, who be emperor who equal to stand to in the place with a draught, does Mo Qi Zhe permit him to live in in this world!
Three emperor son way:"What make leave me, don't still have four younger brothers five younger brothers them, let them do!"
Four emperor son and five emperor son toghter hasty way:"Three elder brothers say what rubbish to come, this emperor you don't do who do, our these younger brothers can not rob an emperor with you!"
A few emperor's sons defer to each other and consumedly embodied the bore melt the spirit of letting the pear, who is not silly either, certainly who Be not willing to be this emperor, either!Just at this time, the city outside runs a western summer soldier, whole body dust, is run toward imperial palace direction, he was knelt in the avenue last cluster of minister Zu to live road, urgently get one Lei Ma Jiang, call a way:"Each adult pleases give way, I want to report to report an emperor urgent military situation!"
The bitterness of the prime minister wears face way:"The emperor has already passed away, big emperor son and two emperor the son have already returned west as well, you have to seek who report to report military situation!"
This:"That dynasty in is who at lord matter,beats dr dre, I have thousand times urgent military situation!"
Three emperor the son call a way:"Now is four younger brothers to govern, you say with him,!"
"In fact is five younger brothers is governing, you say with him!"
"Being not me isn't me, six younger brothers, you seek him!"
Emperor's the sons mutual evasiveness, who Be not willing to stand out, either to for the country share sorrows.
Summer of west soldier spirit way:"Is each his highness, Piao's riding a soldier has already beaten an interest to celebrate, you exactly who can lead troops to resist enemy!"Say he takes out a letter, way:"This is the war bulletin that front delivers, Mo Qi Zhe celebrates all of all city defenses of outside of interests to capture, 300,000 battalions are celebrating a direction to gather to the interest, tomorrow will arrive city outside!"
?The Piao rides a soldier to beat come, Mo Qi Zhe not is agree an argument and, how still beat!Big ministers each noodles is like soil color, frighten into inaction.
Prime minister's way:"Enter a temple to go, our company measures the amount of company replies of method!"Big ministers heel in his behind, to hug in the temple.Emperor the sons are on the road still condescension, all say other people that being emperor is more more suitable than oneself!
Mo Qi Zhe lifts a soldier to all the way and wildly offend, the west summer section of country exerts into an its hand, interest's celebrating peripheral military key figure has already been pulled out by the total amount bottom, become Gu city a , all city danger may come any time, Piao's riding battalion may go into city at any time.
Took a look a front ground interest to celebrate, Mo Qi Zhe says with smile:"The interest celebrates city near at at present, had never thoughted so quick Lao Tze to beat here.This calls what come?"
"This calls easily crush enemy resistance!"Han Qi says with smile first.
"Is not this, should be an autumnal winds to sweep defoliation!"The rare virtuous Sen flatters a way in a side.
Mo Qi Zhe nods a way:"What all good, only can put out west summer good!Bearer, fluently send declaration of war for Li Gan in the city, tell him, Lao Tze tore peace treaty, beat he.Let him clean a bottom to wait to connect to recruit!"
The generals roar with laughter, Han Qi lifts a pen first and then wrotes a letter, notify that the west summer emperor washed a bottom, a patrol sent letter to shoot into inside the city.
Come from Mo Qi Zhe's idea to anticipate, he thinks the declaration of war that wrote this indignity property.The western Xia Dynasty court still doesn't get Nu, come to dare to die unyielding!Who know, the city inside answered the letter on that day, meaning would liked to surrender, just can not surrender right away.Because their emperors just died, wait processing over funeral affairs, select then a new emperor can surrender!
"The old emperor dies?Hopeless situation how?"Mo Qi Zhe ate a surprised.Li Gan is agreeable if die, that Lee blessed Ren not is was emperor!Also not to, his ground prince's not be discarded, that be two emperor the son was emperor, also not to, if two emperors the son mounted the throne, that why also need to say to select new emperor, is the emperor to use something to choose!
Lyu elder brother Yu also surprised tunnel:"The emperor died.BE while washing a bottom, be drowned by water?"
Han Qi shakes head a way first:"I estimated to take place in western Xia Dynasty intramural fight, old emperor and inheritted a person to die together, otherwise this kind of soldier face the moment in city, the old emperor is once passing away.The new emperor has to mount the throne right away, with the anti- foreign enemy.How can need to be chosen?This elucidation west the summer junior high school can inherite a ground of emperor's son to contain quite a few, but they who think all be, so the quarrel isn't next!"
"What about that meat person of Lee, he how not appropriate emperor?"Mo Qi Zhe oddly asks a way.
Han Qi first and slowly tunnel:"I estimate that Li You Ren is dead,cheap beats by dre, and two emperors the son also die!"
Lyu elder brother Yu Nao head way:"Do that big ministers how can tell us the embarrassment of their junior high school, this not is leak military secret!"
Once he ask this words, the generals shake head together, emperor's passing away this is much matter, basically deceive not to live, summer of west big ministers know with it make us check out, also not equal to do they say on their own initiative.
Han Qi first way:"Summer of west big ministers this is warning us, their junior high school although important event, can they have ability to put even, if we take advantage of this aggression, they will be definitely die-hard.WAP.16 K.cNs"
"Hum, unexpectedly dare to warn us, the courage isn't small, I don't believe them to put even this matter,they can let the old emperor live to come over again!The eldest brother don't hesitate, we send troops flat they!" Lyu elder brother Yu"heroism ten thousand Zhangs" tunnel.
"You shut to ascend your beak!If directly send troops, the interest celebrates ground in the city the armed forces and people necessarily will dare to die holdout, we which have so many soldiers to consume with them!"Mo Qi Zhe wanted to think, way:"So, with city say, I arranged old emperor ground while agreeing to give them 1 funeral affairs, but at they don't city of time in, I not stop striking against nearby city defense, and capture a ground of city defense surrendered at them after also not return, so they want to want to lose less some territories, had better not procrastinate time, otherwise Lao Tze beats them only the pole son interest celebrate, they regret again at that time can too late!"
"This idea is quite good, protect quasi- let those big ministers in summer of west don't dare disorderly time!"The generals are all toghter big great commander-in-chief is astute and matchless.
The western Xia Dynasty court received the letter in reply that the Piao rides a soldier, anxious medium the prime minister was the courtiers ground to open letter and read a way:"The Mukden accepts a luck, beam Wang Zhao Yue ……"
The full palace big minister sends out an one sob, he isn't an emperor again, return Mukden to accept a luck, boast he!
"Read a God to have to living so much of virtuous, the few person cant not bear to see common people people live in wretched conditions to accept the west summer country it suing for peace ……"
"He agrees an argument and?Too good!"The son of the emperor and big ministers toghter sent out acclaim, although wanted to order city under it invite, a matter is very disgraceful, can always still can protect west summer ground, shine on the circumstance now this is also getting more quite good, as for sleep on firewood and taste gall, revenge to avenge, that is the later matter.
The prime minister is also smiling all over, meet delay a ground of voice and finish reading the contents of behind with the Keng Qiang, his smiling face disappeared and finished reading letter along with the contents a little, the facial expression had been as white as that letter paper, big ministers are also depressed, lambaste Mo Qi Zhe in the heart craftiness, unexpectedly figure out to so unscrupulously recruit Shu.
Three emperor son way:"Can we refuse his condition?"
Prime minister's way:"Certainly, however want an emperor to talk in person Related articles:

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