Thursday, November 15, 2012

google sister is my elder s

The Cao holds to seriously looking at me:"You thought indiscriminately again,cnn.I promise to receive first also for the sake of Anne his heart.You should know and receive first and originally heel in the D at first and Dong Zhuo nearby of, I would like to also place him now at nearby, this was a kind of trust.Decides and has already had a quite a few individual to run to offer suggestion for the sake of this, they are afraid that I become the third ghost of Lyu Bu's under charge."
This I can really don't thought of and cautiously want,Facebook, the Cao holds to say of really have a reason.I embarrassedly smiled:"Is ashamed, I really think slanting, also think that you would not like to make Wen Hou lead troops alone!"The Cao holds to shake head to sigh:"Did I really become so distrustful?Even you also think like this."I vomit:"Hey Hey didn't do a lot of thinking.Or the mind of lord Mr. is wide, however, I see the good bitterness that Wen Hou still not necessarily so understand you now work hard."
The Cao holds to smile to shake:"You ah, once relaxing you, completely lawless and godless.Why the need for say that kind of today words?Receive first basically have never sought a woman at the outside now, receive the filial piety is also taken care of by you of the dead die.Speak of this, son cloud, do you when become a house?The Zou surname doesn't can make your woman, you should also seek a wife madam."
I smile:"The Zou elder sister is my elder sister, to her, I am very respect.As for become the matter of house, lord Mr., the Huo great commander soldier once said:The The Huns didn't put out and why became a house.Hey Hey, I also say like this, lord Mr. doesn't have unification world, I will never become a house."The Cao holds in distress situation:"Do you compare this with him?Is alas, in fact I also understand how you think.Your current identity is really more difficult to do, marry a civilian's woman you are again unwilling, marry a daughter of eminent family, somebody else again see not and up you are this businessman's identity, also go without saying you at outside of how to don't like fame."
I roar with laughter:"Who does the house of eminent family for saying see not and up me?Lord male, somebody else's Wu Lao's madam but want to marry Sun Yue me!Sun Jia nearest relative, Bo Fu's cousin hey!"The Cao holds to curiously looking at me:"Have this time a matter?"I smile and strive for accounting of Wu Lao's madam to speak to hold for Cao:"Hey Hey, the lord is male, this old fox of this old madam and Zhang Zi Bus can really severe.Luckily I have the Zou the elder sister to make to cover, this shouts bravo a person to have a good report."The Cao held to also smile:" Fail, so just put across Wu Hou Fu's childe to you.This piece son cloth really has 1 set, severe."
I lightly say:"He again severe, also be not worthy to a house, unable to do lord.Bo Fu can't listen to them, strong line of stay me down, I also ain't afraid of their patterns.Bo Fu's wound should recover from illness, does lord Mr. have the news of river's east?"The Cao holds a light tone to sigh:"You really can not let go him.River's east didn't°yet what act, however, I received Li Shu's dark letter, he wanted to dedicate a Lu river, how do you feel?"
Li Shu?Is this person very good in the relation that the river of Lu spreads with, he should be very loyal to Sun Ce of ah, how can want to rebel?I the doubt ground ask Cao to hold:"Is to the best of my knowledge, Li Shu admires Bo Fu very much, he how can does to rebel of matter?"The Cao holds to smile:"This affair not say, however, should be false, river's east is done not have this necessity to fool me.To, spreads of matter, are you clear?"
I nod:"Know, he thinks that Bo Fu is dead, feels that Sun Jia no one can protect the ground of river's east, so once sent a person to think to contact with you, however, the accused delivers.Bo Fu didn't kill him and just kept under house arrest, this also right.To, you so on saying, I understand.Li Shu and the relation that spreads are very good, he is similar to Sun Pu, look down upon Sun Quan, this two childes very much.See, he does at the river of Lu with Sun Quan up, so on thinking, he wants to go and live with a lord Mr. to.Just, his afraiding not is Sun Quan's opponent, lord male if would like to, secretly send the person connected him to come to like and wanted to get a Lu river, currently not just time, we can not lend for Bo Fu and send troops to go up north.This guy is to can not bear lonesome."
The Cao holds to nod:"You say of to, currently be not make with river's east self-contradict of time .As for this Lee Shu, Hey Hey, he would like to make Teng, make Teng like, make more severely at the river of Lu more good, I don't want to keep a finger in the pie, be not to know this person.Thus, also make the person of river's east have nothing to say."My Pie mouth:"Lord male, you are very deceitful, also true cruel, the somebody else is to sincerely return agreeable.You do like this, equal to go to him at the hopeless situation."
The Cao holds a to smile:"Is this person for the sake of personal private, abandon an old lord, also of no consequence what good person, connect not and accept all doesn't matter.He wants true Dou however that power there is skill escaping to come over, I settle him be.Let us contact him on our own initiative, affirmation doesn't go.Is alas, he began early and led again for several years and waited we to stabilize north, much good opportunity."I smile:"The lord is male to say also to, this Lee Shu rebelliouses opportune moment to choose of really not the that time wait, so, I look for person to silently remind him for a while, only wish he cleverness."
The Cao holds to nod:"What you considered is thoughtful, arrange like this.To, your disease also like, take a rest enough.Tomorrow comes over, I let text if they come, the dry proper business."I Hey Hey a smile:"I always in the dry proper business ah.I tomorrow pass by be, anyway you send army to go up north and also want a period of time of, I at allow Be getting better for all many foolish several days."

Chapter 128 discusses

Unification north ground the article-chapter 128 discuss
When I walk into inside the hall, in is already full to be be of, the Cao holds to point at nearby of seat:"Son cloud, you sit here."Say to pass the hand stove in the oneself's hand to me.My Song shrugs shoulders, the milli- once took up a stove Don't mention it and had never sat kind ground seat ground kept on sitting, are uncomfortable for these two days, don't want to kneel to sit.Guo Jia has already become accustomed to me this kind of appearance that is unrestrained and hold to spoil, but Xu Shu is to open widely mouth to hope me, see Cao again to hold, a shocked appearance, he participates in party like this for the first time.He Xun at the side of body the You smile happily ground to say:"Dollar's keeping Mr. doesn't have to be shocked, this guy really owes to beat.What then lord Mr. gives him the on the side, alas ……"I Hey Hey a smile:"Someone is jealous, say in advance, I like to buy."The Xun 彧 stared Xun You one eye, this guy packed honesty right away, and we all smiled.
The Cao holds to lightly cough a , we took back the idea of monkey business and hoped him.The Cao holds obviously very satisfied we attitude like this, he swept to see everyone's one eye, then said:"Zi Yun says that he go up north Ye city very soon, some affairs need to be liked before he walk arrangement for a while, call your concentration today, is the opinion that wants to ask for everyone."Guo Jia Yi Leng:"Son cloud, you didn't say the day before yesterday!Go to Ye city now?Is dry what?Is too dangerous."
Don't wait I to talk, the Xun You also said a word:"Do not go, you can not go now.Receive a filial piety to say of to, your current fame is a lot too big, Yuan Shao will definitely to your be suspicious of, really too dangerous."Xu Shu obviously still doesn't know I one-time affair, he really doesn't understand that the ground hopes Guo Jia et al:"Can't, son cloud once says, he is in the Yuan Shao there circumstances very good ah, how can in danger?"
I looking at Xu Shu Hei's Hey a smile:"Four elder brother the power of memory is really good, if I say there at Mr. Jing of water, you remember.However, but three elder brotherses say of have a reason.Currently, Yuan Shao is on wishing to get away from from officer Du it hurt, so just the desperation ground call troops and concentrate in the Li sun and prepare again south Du yellow river.I see him this time, affirmative unable to leave, be not buttonned up by him just strange in the soldier."
Cao's holding wasn't understand either:"Since know danger, how do you still want to go?The affair that connects Ju to teach to come over, the another arrangement person goes to.Say again, I at the beginning teach to say with Ju good BE, he is again captured by me, just come to is used by me."I say with smile:"The lord is male, three elder brothers, you have never listenned to understand I say what, what I go to is a Ye city,google, be not see Yuan Shao, more have no silly arrive proudly go to Li sun the soldier see him.The Yuan Shao wants to detain me, also for the sake of his disease.Hey, although I can't use to cure homicide as well as save his life.Still have, I go to Ye city of time should be after estimating to touch the Yuan Shao dead Qiao Qiao, not now.As for Mr. Ju , I am early Related articles:

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