Monday, November 26, 2012 organize a strength

Assault this casino for acquiring to enough escape of funds?But, Macau is the total altar that our dragon helps, does he dare to go?!"
"Probably and falsely solid then it, actually then falsely it.Jia Wei, I see our simply soldier dividing three roads and descending Macau all the way and organizing a defence in Macau;The route that follows to throw a car all the way makes track for shot;Go to Guangzhou all the way, organize person's all vehicle pedestrians in going into the cities to carry on a row to check in Guangzhou."Han Ning Dong hesitates a short while behind slowly way.
We finally adopted Han Ning Dong's opinion, is taken a person by elder sister Shi to go to Macau, contact Long Bang key figures to organize a defence in Macau in Hong Kong;BE returned to Guangzhou by Chen Qing Yun and the jade Qiong in the sky, organize a strength row to check after remitting to match with left Xin clearly;But I and Han Ning Dong and Zhao Min if go to easily really throw the ground of car together, carry on tracking.
Medium mountain and Macau are mutually apart from very near, have been taking to have some discrepancies a territory proof on the elder sister Shi body, go by car to go to Macau very easy;But Chen Qing Yun and the jade Qiong in the sky two females then multiply by a helicopter to return to Guangzhou.
Lexus nature in the car has no too many clueses, all fingerprints and certificate things, such as skin scraps and footprint...etc. have already been adopted by the police to go, scatteredly spread several colorful bill on the ground and have Hong Kong dollar and Ao currency and Chao outside U.S. dollar, and euro...etc. among them.
"There is evidence enunciation, easily really really walk toward north but go.However ……"Zhao Min if introduce a circumstance way, " fore noodles south head the whole evidence in town all disappeared."
"Having may get into to follow virtuous?Did "I ask a way, " permit the police of laurel town and the south head town to establish card?"
If Zhao Min nods a way:"There is card.However, the branch road of that neighborhood is a lot of, if has intention to once round card,Beats By Dre Justbeats, isn't a very difficult affair either."
Han Ning Dong's way:"That we immediately arrive to follow now virtuous, perhaps and easily really have already sneaked in there!"
The × × × × × × × × × ×
After an hour, we fly to soon arrive at to follow virtuous, erupt to move police's informant and secret society strength to search an easily true trace everywhere, however a have no acquisition.
Easily really exactly go where?Disappear into now in the south head from he however two hours, whole be all Pearl Rever Delta deployed tight dragnet by the police and my influence now, he even if want to escape to is also not greatly possible!So, where does he exactly hide?
My heart bottom ambiguously has preparing of a kind of not known feeling, easily true at in the mountain rob casino, really and only just for escaping?Not, that is a mean and malicious hot guy!And,beats by dre, he absolutely has partner and remembers on that day that so-called Long Shu, the high concealed weapon effort once made the Lin in my heart however not already.
Suddenly my cellular phone rings out the orchid in autumn that pleasing moving music, I press to connect to listen to key.
A man's voice that immediately accelerates decuple my heart palpitates spreads:"Mr. Wen Jia Wei?I am just that you use owner at big four grasp to catch easily truely.Have long time no see, old friend!The hearing cold snow's treatment in the United States is very successful, probably, a certain I will go to the United States to visit that to break shoe!"
"Is easily true?!"I can not help cut up rough but frighten ground call come out, the attraction lives the view of owner.
If Zhao Min suddenly receives a connecting of my cellular phone obedient tube, immediately small voice to flank of a police's way:"Track telephone signal right away!"
Before releasing a hand, she again the small voice is to my way:"Jia Wei, as far as possible the prolong is a little times!"
I order and picked up a cellular phone way:"Feed, easily true, is you?"
The easily true Hey Hey smiled in the words tube:"Wen Jia Wei, are you to want to procrastinate the position that time finds out my place?Is ashamed, I have already arrived destination.You know that I prepare to where carry out raid?Is probably previous you how also surprisingly, but after the event you will definitely painful not the desire living!Ha ha, I am 1 to love to bring person a painful person, your pain and sufferings is my merriment.Worship, Wen Jia Wei, probably and again meet, you are very anxious to swallow I!However, that gets you to live that day!Ha ha ……"
I am great anger, is treating to scold severals, didn't expect that milli- impersonal beast already the telephone shout of hang up, let I even if want to procrastinate to also have no a way.
If Zhao Min was also disappointedly tiny to shake to shake Qin of head, immediately to is next:"Track signal?"
That police hesitates a way:"Converse time is really too short, haven't come yet and certain accurate directions.However, the big body position should be in the neighborhood of the east of Guangzhou ……"
The east of Guangzhou?Let my pain not does the desire living?!
My heart suddenly and fiercely acute pain, shout loudly:"Dongguan!Easily really in Dongguan!He ……he wants to assault the villa of my house!"
Is public suddenly:Is originally and easily true at in the mountain made such a rob case, unexpectedly for adjusting a tiger to leave mountain!Even at in all performances of mountain is all probably replaced by others, while he has already incubated in neighborhood in Dongguan!
If his scheme really succeeds, I am still really a pain the desire don't living, living not equal to die!In home pretty wife lovely daughter, mostly weak quality Xian Xian, have no holdout ability, easy fighting skill of Zhi Die is so-so, although the chirping of birds snow fighting skill has the baby in more than seven months in Gao Jue but stomach.Although the clear door sent many dark stakes and superior in the neighborhood of villa, with the easily true fighting skill and that uncle Long's concealed weapon, I am tremble with fear ……
Thought of here, I all shiver all over, eyes almost start delivering black, but I the gnash teeth in hatred ground insist and try very hard to stir a dozen of telephones of home.However telephone but combine impassability, seeing to the telephone line already drive easily true clipping!
At Zhao Min if quickly contact police in Dongguan of at the same time, I stir a dozen of in homes girls cellular phone again.However cellular phone signal also impassability,, seeing to neighborhood cellular phone signal in the home already drive interference.
How to do?!I almost don't faint in the past ……
Han Ning Dong suddenly once robbed a cellular phone from me and immediately and quickly contacted Chen Qing Yun in Guangzhou and the jade Qiong in the sky and let them immediately embarked a helicopter and flew and left for Dongguan and and contacted to just arrived elder sister Shi of Macau at the same time, let her quickly adjusted and sent the clear door goes to a villa support in the influence of Dongguan.
When Han Ning Dong does these affairs, my Tan sits on the depending of car a back up, the whole individual sways long, the heart seems to be laid hands on by terrible despair, even Ning winter, quick if of gentle and soft consolations can not hear a half sentence, the brain muddle-mindedly lost the ability of any thinking.
The in home has the woman whom I love, there is my kid, if they had an accident, do I still have rare meaning?
About after the hour, half's suddenly a telephone rescued me!
"Wei ……"
Woman that sweet voice is more moving than sounds of nature, my sacred music, my fairy sound, the voice that my whole life hears the most moving to move most !
"Is copying you?Is you, shadow?!"
My this big man cans not control feelings a ground of tears cover the face, sad Qi not already.
"It is me.Wei, what's the matter with you?We are all right ……"pure shadow soft track.
Immediately, the voice of small cloud again ring get up:"Wei, you don't cry, home everything is all good, and the small pistil is also very good!Those scoundrels have already been sung younger sister Xue to hold tight!"
Sing snow?Be pregnant for seven months of she unexpectedly made moves, she was all right?
Another of my times heart clenched and urgently and urgently asked a way:"Sing snow she ……she is all right?"
Is suddenly dead silent in the telephone, my heart palpitates is also it sharply acceleration, palpitate to move a voice to almost make me have already grown a deafening felling!
"Sing younger sister Xue …… nothing important important event …… however moved foetus spirit, is sending into a hospital now …… we are also make a phone call with you in the car ……" small cloud hesitates to say.
Sing snow, did she move foetus spirit?!Not only my facial expression greatly changes, Han Ning Dong's jade face is immediately also very white.
At cook over after very suffered hour, we finally wait to come to a helicopter and immediately fly directly to Dongguan but go.This time with go of there is also Zhao Min if, her going to Dongguan to go to is to prepare to accept criminal.
Expect first to arrive after Dongguan along with Chen Qing Yun and the jade Qiong in the sky, the affair becomes more and more clear and distinct.
Originally, easily true and that uncle Long at fix clear outer circle all secrets in doors organize a defence of hand after, the villa that sneaks in my house wild diagram with one action controls owner, subsequently manufacturing let my pain not the desire living of murder case.
However, they thousand calculate ten thousand still kept leaving out to sing snow on the whole.Sing although snow is pregnant in July, her inside achievement have already got into to turn a territory, even not at Ning winter under, even if I also far and far ain't an enemy.The clear jade achievement has been already got into" Related articles:

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