Thursday, November 15, 2012 Qi of appeared one

Still remember the evil gentleman of nightmare Qi is used the icy cold tone hasing never once had to tell him, he is unqualified to order about him, and only two personal communicantses do his main gentleman in this in this world,Artist Series, but those 2 people are all dead!If he dares again to have a mind like this, that later even the friends have never got to do.Although the thunder Di Si is very curious is what person can make this thus severe and supercilious good friend sweet in order to render service, see an evil gentleman of nightmare Qi icy cold medium deeply wear sad and regretful facial expression, he knows very much interest the ground didn't cross-examine,cheap dr dre beats.
Listen to at this time the minister of making of big Qin mentions this bosom friend and thoughts of once for the night cat of oneself's confident, the thunder Di Si isn't strange Qin Huang either to how can know that he or she has such a friend and just oddly asks a way very much:"Does Qin Huang seek his He Shi?"
Big instigator Qin's way:"My emperor seeks him to occupy naturally and also ask a country lord to invites him to come."
Thunder Di the Si Be tiny to wrinkle up eyebrow, some difficult tunnels:"But the nightmare Qi have already closed door concealed fix for a long time, I hadn't once seen him as well for more than 100 years.Besides with his temperament, ten have 89 is least likely to see yours."
Big Qin's instigator raises a hand, bright a dark aureate thing, way:"Country lord needs to give to a nightmare Qi evil gentleman of this thing, as for come not come, that is come to a decision by evil gentleman."
That is an use Liu gold and jade the Sui make into of lie a tiger, back's containing Ming text, but looking is like a jade tiger of original integrity be neatly split two halfs, but now Qin Shi Shou in of is the left side of that half.Once connected this jade tiger, the thunder Di Si suspiciously saw the thing in the hand and saw noodles Qin Shi with the smile again, how all feel this matter that deeply wearing is peculiar.But the other party just wants him to hand over to the nightmare Qi evil gentleman this thing, the so small origin of matter doesn't get him to refuse, he also has no reason brush-off, so then the one mouthful promise.
The dark 凕 mountain is an evil boundary unattractive mountain peak, now then the sky declares the blood Cha of evil boundary first strong country lord the thunder Di Si Gu body one person arrived at here.Qin Huang wants an evil gentleman of the nightmare Qi that he seeks to live as recluse here, but his this friend's temper he is very clearly, if change a person's coming to don't say to look for person, can have a life to return to to all hard to say, so he only made a trip in person.However reckoning more than 100 years has never seen this good friend, lent this opportunity Xu to go over the old days is also a quick matter.
Thunder Di Si familiar road ground in the familiar door all the way go into to extremely think a precipice and once wore at last and together and forbid after making, three bamboo houses before, he wants to seek of person already at wait him.That negative hand stands the or so looks about 30 years old of white dress man before house, Gao Da Dun's shape, brilliant facial features, that cool facial expression has a liking for to be like a recluse scholar of Ping-ho.But the thunder Di Si knows and say that he is a recluse scholar to return an ability to half, but two words in Ping-ho absolutely don't be stained with a side with him!
The nightmare Qi evil gentleman faces to come forward and towarded thunder Di Si to be chest to lightly pound an one punch and say with smile:"You this big country lord today how free come to my this desolate village?I just Niang ten altars'hero blood' be smelt by your that dog nose,"
The thunder Di Si returns to his one punch, pleased way:"You new Niang ten altars'hero blood'?That I but have joy of eating!However although a don't a hundred years is very to remember fondly in the heart,I can't then come to bother your for the sake of several altar wine, either pure fix, come to be being subjected to a person this time, it gives, invite you to return to with me."
Nightmare Qi evil gentleman double eyebrow tiny Cu, way:"What person can labor you to come to do professional diplomats?And you should also know my temper,you have never told to give your person, I will not see his?"
The thunder Di Si took out big Qin Shi Chen to hand over to that half of his the jade tiger, helpless tunnel:"I once told him, but he wants me to hand over to you this and say after once showing you again decide to want not to be going to see him."
On seeing the jade tiger of thunder Di Si hand, nightmare Qi evil gentleman double the big Zheng of the eyes Mu, almost rob generally a grasped to come over, the Zi cautiously and thinly conjectures this jade tiger and lightly caress the inscriptive finger of top unexpectedly at tiny tremble!Fiercely raise head, he anxious tunnel:"This tiger sign......This tiger sign is who give yours?"
The thunder Di Si heart bottom that has never seen him rude in behavior liking this guesses this tiger sign is what things, unexpectedly let the good friend have to respond so greatly, mouth inside then answer way:"This is Qin Guo who comes to go abroad as ambassador blood Cha to make minister to mine."
The words finished listenning to him, nightmare Qi evil gentleman the whole body all repress not to live Zhan Li to get up, mumbling way:"Qin Guo?Qin Guo?Qin Guo already Wu, how also......How may......"
He that cry the facial expression smiling got a fright the thunder Di Si, hasty way:"Nightmare Qi!Nightmare Qi!How?You are all right?"
Nightmare Qi evil gentleman's imitating a Buddha is awakenned and twinkled the eyes dead hopeless situation of the ray of light of frenzy to stare at him from the in a dream by him, way:"You tell me, is this Qin's country what is the row?You know of and this Qin the country is relevant of everythings all tell me!"
When thunder Di Si will know of all told the nightmare Qi evil gentleman behind, the nightmare Qi evil gentleman foolishly stands over there, good long time, he suddenly smiled and gradually and more smiled to more ring:"Big Qin!Start an emperor!Ha ha ha!Big Qin!Start an emperor!Ha ha ha ha!"
Looking at him to become mad sort ground cachinnation, thunder Di Si over know nothing a way this is what is the row, very not easy wait he to smile enough, the unbearable openings asks a way:"Nightmare Qi......"
But just said two words drive nightmare Qi the evil gentleman interrupted:"Does Qin Guo come to make to wait me in the blood Lian city?"
Thunder Di Si just ordered bottom, nightmare Qi evil gentleman disappeared a trace and shadow!Is silly the thunder Di of the eye Si suddenly a foolish return to absolute being after, call a way:"You......You are needless so anxious!Unexpectedly does the use consume a greatly moving of the evil dollar to move very much?"Finish saying he also disappears at breeze in.
Is almost a milli- without a break the use greatly move to move kings who arrive to the blood Chas all blood Lian the nightmare Qi of the city the evil gentleman keep rushing toward on going into the city the building Yi that big Qin Shi Chen stays, thunder Di Si only have wry smile wear heel go to.In reason should be what Zhao makes the minister go to imperial palace Jin and sees, but nightmare Qi evil gentleman but even can't wait for this time, directly hurtle building Yi to look for person, thunder Di Si also can follow go to.
Entered building Yi, went straight to an evil gentleman of the nightmare Qi of instigating the room to push away door.Looking at the big step nightmare Qi that walks to come into the building evil gentleman, the contrasting going abroad as ambassador a previous Ying government let him once saw in the memory of image, once big Qin's instigator's facial expression moved and conjectured an evil gentleman of nightmare Qi of appeared one happy expression of putting on in the eyes.When the nightmare Qi evil gentleman walks to his in front and raised to come a bright the tiger sign in the hand, he right away deeply salutes:"Wu An Jun!"

Volume 4 gains considerable fame four boundaries chapter 89 whites to rise
Renew time:2008-12-2917:05:44 chapter word numbers:7534

The nightmare Qi evil gentleman air is one An, way:"White since have already been scrapinged the whole official positions, be not what force Anne's gentleman."
Qin instigates a way:"Was all Fan Sui to hate the achievement of general in those early years, previously in front king into dedicate Chan speech, just make the royal ancestors owe general, general......"
White since shake head, way:"Is not such, the big king has never owed me, is that I was ungrateful to a big king."
Doesn't understand at startled Qin Shi of he peeped out one idea of putting on to bitter and astringently smile in the middle of the vision, way:"In those early years I hurl body troops, should be for lending the bloody fighting of battlefield of annoyed and died a martyr's death the soldier soul of officers and men the self-discipline was evil achievement.Lend this path although entering a territory amazingly fast,kill is too heavy, with the psyche help fix for more and greatly hate, unless the big king annoy a dint to protect to hold by king, I have already been robbed by the sky to change into an ashes.Grow an even war, the Jing blood Li soul of 40 remainings ten thousand officers and mens finally makes the my evil achievement greatly become and turns the huge hatred of savings for the sake of the chain, I have to close the border quickly to stabilize groundwork.But I know that the big king will not put I walk of, I although fixing is evil, but the truely evil way is a most genuine feeling to go to sex.Is big Wang Dai my boon deep sea, if I now leave without a word, is necessarily been evil by the heart love, don't say again have inch to enter, only afraid need not how long meeting achievement cool down to spread, fall into transmigration of soul.At this time at the right moment Fan Sui offer suggestion and set against with me, I then multiply by power to offer illness as excuse and in every possible way incense a big king, want to let a big king will I the place cut and throw but a three corpses divide time the good luck of settling this king and his ministers, very now the Zha dead retires.But have never thought although the big king is rage, and then the big king has Fan Sui to push wave to help Lan,still reads my achievement to descend cutthroat Related articles:

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