Friday, November 30, 2012

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: ! , relationresultHa ha ha !Li Wei !You can away ,run away !Ha ha ha !To accompany me to hell !I wash my shame ! from the main through a side hole in a man jumped out, holding a and outside the detonation device as like as two peas ,take crazy laughter heavily pressing down .
relationresultDamn it!How like Ono Jio hate my Aoki Ryuichi to forget ,Li Wei now regret it too late ,make a prompt decision gasped ,hands with a push ,a unit of the Hao Ran power will come back before Qing Tian Xiuying severely to the storehouse of pass extrapolation out .
relationresultDetonation!relationresultThe groundwas a tremor ,nearly 100 kilograms of explosives was detonated .Shida Xiuko couldn Li Weidi force and the first explosion shock waves are pushed outside the gates of time .
The face is not willing to shout : Li Wei !That Zhang Xiumei ,Li Wei and Han Xiuying had not looked as if as like as two peas ,Li Wei heart was hard to pull out .relationresultHere !Li Weiliu tears are flung channel deep shock wave shock away from the face ,Li Wei worked in the shock wave in staggered ,channel buried other fried in continuous explosion ,a fire engulfed the ringleader calamity come unexpectedly ,Aoki Ryuichi ,a maniacal suspended in time .
relationresultLi Weieyes seemed strange space again appears concussion corrugated ,flat space deformation .Channels in the twisted, just identified themselves never spared Li Wei suddenly opened his eyes wide ,the familiar gradually numb feeling he still remain fresh in one .
relationresultLeeWeiwang listless hand fighting thorn ,sharp to the channel and throw it ,at the same time strain every nerve to shout: I ! and then toward the space vibration most twisted center rush past ,powerful explosive shock wave and flame in the moment swept across the channel .
relationresultExplosionnoise shocked the entire 516 army camp and outer defense line ,even planning to get chemical ammunition against Soviet troops of the Japanese soldiers watched the fire warehouse direction ,all just to say a word .
The Kwantung Army finally .No ,they will take what to stop the Soviet army and the angry American coalition .relationresultNo.relationresultWith Li Weiin Jin launched the warehouse doors to Shida Xiuko cried out to attack back, but was followed by the blast blew again more than 10 meters, underground storehouse Iraq explosion muffled ,the earth was born in seven earthquake .
Even distant ground underground explosion lifted large hole ,flame and smoke stabs ,a chemical weapons destruction in combustion .relationresultI will be back !relationresultWitha loud explosion cover cannot be the roar ,a thorn from fighting fire flew out ,inserted in the front of Shida Xiuko not far from the ground .
No one from the ring .A leisurely was what the Qing Yin ,looked into Li Wei personal weapon .Shida Xiuko wept bitter tears ,a kind of hit the ground .relationresultWarehouseoutside the fortifications ,Fan Guowen et al.
Fingers deep into the palm of the hand, even out blood still not aware of it ,they once again pretended to comfort myself :Li Weihui fine ,this guy lives hard even the heavens are not received .
Underground storeroom area main explosion while away from the warehouse gate far away, but the warehouse doors spray out the flame and explosion makes even 100 meters away people standing instability ,high temperature radiation even grilled yellow 100 meters within-person head ,senses tell two action team ,even if it is large Luo golden immortal may not in the memory of the explosion live ,beats by dre australia.
relationresultAlmost at the sametime ,the twelve division team health home carrying operation instrument tray Lin Xinyu Meilai palpitation ,hand instrument plate accidentally fell on the ground, bell hit ground .
relationresultHow?Dean Lin !How do you ! Near the doctor nurse hurriedly rushed in, holding the has no power against the wall on the lam Xinyu .relationresultLi Wei, Li Wei Lin ! Xinyu didn all the words on the edge ,but hand over his heart ,lost soul who like to oneself , son ,you don trouble ah ! , relationresultIn August 14, 1945,the Soviets massive breakthrough Kwantung defense line, to promote northeast hinterland .
On the same day, already cannot continue to face major world anti-fascist war Japanese government state to the United States, Britain ,Soviet Union ,in a note of government of the four countries ,accept the Potsdam and stop the war action notice .
relationresultAt noon on August 15th,the emperor of Japan to surrender a cloth ,and broadcast to each branch of Japanese troops ,for a time, unable to accept the fact that Japanese soldiers who cry vocalizations, some by himself and the Great East Asian jihadist plan to escape into the wild ,some officers ,a large part of the accepted the emperor and the stronghold of the command ,dr dre cheap,the cessation of all military action ,wait for the surrender .
relationresultAnd a handful ofrecalcitrant molecules ,Japanese Kwantung Army Headquarters command part did not receive an excuse for a truce ,still continue to resist ,was eventually the Soviets never be killed to shed blood like water ,last of the Japanese Imperial Army commander-in-chief general Yamada Otomi saw a lost cause ,as the body is out of power ,was forced to put to the Soviet request for negotiations .
In August 19th, Yamada Otomi to the Soviet Colonel Aerjiemianke handed over command of military symbol , relationresultThe Kwantung Armyafter the end of the recalcitrant ,according to statistics ,the Kwantung Army of 83000 men were killed, 594000 surrendered ,but the Soviets only 32000 casualties .
relationresultIn September 2, 1945,Japan formally signed the surrender, on September 9th, the Japanese surrender ceremony was held in Nanjing ,which lasted for more than eight years of the war of resistance against japan .
relationresult601st - I !- the end ( the end) , relationresultHebeiZhangjiakou ,belonging to the Beijing military region at a military base outside the sweep clean and tidy ,camp gate sentry is a chest ,be in fine fig ,holding the gun as the javelin stood as straight .
relationresultThesix luxurious Mercedes-Benz buses along the cement Boulevard at full gallop ,see sentinel gestures ,the driver driving a bus at the camp gates slowly down .relationresultPlease, no more than 30 kilometers per hour ,according to the provisions of the road ! by a check after the documents have been made to release the gesture ,the sentry .
relationresultChinesepeople Group of the sixty-fifth division of the barracks ushered in from Tsinghua University to participate in the military training of students of the school ,the school field in the barracks on six luxurious Mercedes-Benz Buses seem to have also been barracks neat discipline atmosphere ,kept neat .
relationresultHonk!Long whistle sounded, the new camp students in confusion ,carrying his own luggage starting line-up .relationresultThe studentsgot out of the car ,even a teacher now must obey the barracks to arrange drillmaster commands ,seems to travel several hours of long-distance running and not let into the tower of ivory students feel tired ,the barracks as if all are new things make these students produce unusually strong curiosity .
relationresultThesix buses down ,also just is Tsinghua freshmen this year a small part ,,the other to several other military base military training of the students will like them are experiencing initial stage of adaptation .
relationresultLook atthese from a part of the Tsinghua University students, the barracks specified more than a dozen instructors calm ,faces a password .relationresultAttention! instructors and yell !relationresultUniversityFreshmen of chest and abdomen in your ass ,like die like the kind of ,I have experienced before high school junior middle school military training stage .
relationresultStand at ease.relationresultUniversityfreshmen are left foot .A team is a team of people ,various size color bags .relationresultWelcome to the US 65 army 193 division ,from
now on ,your identity is not a student ,but a soldier ,army not playground ,I will be a soldier norms to ask you ,do you have the confidence to be a soldier ?! instructors sound is Related articles:

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